Blue Horse Entertainment
Year 2016
ICL - International Cricket League established on August 2016 by Blue Horse Entertainment (TatsaT). Soon after we initiated our first Virtual World Cup Cricket League Tournament. Aim was to build up a positive and entertaining connection on equal terms with each other on this platform called Paltalk. Here every participant was given an opportunity to uplift their skill on cricket. It was purely fun based, nothing personal. We didn't fail to design an eye catching logo which captures your site also for a while or more.
With time ICL gained popularity by adding it's own pleasing colors. We introduced mentioning Highlights of each match played daily, by giving certificates to the winning / runner up team & top players. 24 teams with 240 players participated. Among winning / runner up teams 16 players were awarded with one year colour nicks. The success of this event was phenomenal and unforgettable.
In 2017 :
By getting inspired from our past experiences, we planned to introduce new format to this virtual Cricket. With this brand new double score and T-five Knockout format we organized our second Tournament, followed by 180 participants. In this also 16 players were honored with one year color nick from the winning / runner up teams.
As a result of our hard work and passion towards this virtual cricket these two new formats were appreciated by many.
In 2018:
We presented our third Cricket League. This time we got back to the old cricket format to keep up flow which was introduced earlier. In this tournament, 24 teams participated followed by 192 players. And again 16 color nicks were gifted for one year. As an addition, to make it very special and interesting, for the very first time we broadcasted it on Worldwide Internet Radio. This was a benchmark on Paltalk Cricket History.
On this very special occasion we extended our support to launch/introduce Tich Mich Internet Radio by Chor Bazar Room from Pakistan Category. We thank them for their respect and trust.
In 2018-2019:
ICL Blue Horse Entertainment came up with something new, that is Ludo Mini friendly event. More than 100 participants enjoyed playing and being together. 8 color nicks were given to the winners.
In 2020:
We beginned this year with Mini ICL Twenty-Twenty. More or less 200 participants enjoyed for two weeks. For the very first time we sponsored 25 one month color nicks to the winner / runnier up teams as well as Top Batsman / Bowler, Host, Admins and to the leading duck (Zero run) player.
We were happy to manage and support Wonder 21 Cricket Tournament, which was held in January 2020. Managing their website and working on many other areas were a challenging task. But the success which we earned was undoubtedly helped and inspired us to do more, be more.
In May 2020, we got an opportunity to extend our helping hands towards Asia Cup Cricket Tournament like we did the the past.
Musical Event:
ICL Blue Horse Entertainment is proud and happy to bag *very first time title* in this year also. Brought to your door step an exciting and titillating event, that is, 'Paltalk got Talent - 2020'. This was held for 2 days. More than 130 audiences including 80 participants witnessed.
An upcoming, young and talented singer Dhruvesh Patel enhanced the beauty of this musical gathering by his guest appearance. He was with us both the days and we are grateful to him for his kind and praiseworthy gesture.
This Musical event was enthralled by finest DJs and the most talented, gifted soul singers of Paltalk. 6 Color nicks and sticker packs (as a consolation prize) were gifted to the extraordinary, talented singers and DJs respectively.
The overwhelming success of all these entertaining and friendly get together added feathers to the crown. We are proud to gain inspiring reviews by all those who attended and took part.
In November, Super Premier Cricket League Tournament knocked us to maintain their Website and other activities. It was our honor and pleasure to do as much as we could.
After this, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment Organized it's Fifth cricket Tournament. 12 Teams and 180 participants were present. We continued creating history on Paltalk. This time we gifted 16 color nicks/one year and 10 color nicks/one month (total 26 color nicks).
In 2021:
ICL Blue Horse Entertainment conducted an event called Quality Cricket Series in association with SSL, Sunshine Entertainment, PCTCL, Double Knockout. More or less 150 participants were present. This event was also successful and remarkable. Continued to this, in July 2021, we were there to do the needful wholeheartedly, towards Coconut Trophy in every possible manner. Designing website, managing other activities were not new to us.
Added to this, we are happily extending our support to ongoing Sharjah Cup and Cricket N Adda, Bangladesh Tournament.
In 2021:
ICL Blue Horse Entertainment conducted an event (Sept. 2021) called ICL Season-6 More or less 150 participants were present. This event was also successful. Continued to this.
12 Teams and 180 participants were present. We continued creating history on Paltalk. This time we gifted 16 color nicks/one year.
Hard work followed by dedication is our motto. Someone rightfully said, "We have two hands. One to help yourself, and the second to help others. We treated everyone equally, by keeping transparency in mind. Will continue the same.
In near future also, we intend to come up with some exciting and entertaining events. Organizing challenging tournaments aren't left out. At the same time, we are happy and proud to be there for those who expect our hands to tie with them like earlier.
They say, life's greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. Our experiences were no different. And of course, learnt and still learning the art of *learning from mistakes.* We apologize for the words, actions which pinched your delicate emotions on this virtual journey. Likewise, we definitely doesn't have any harsh feeling towards none.
On the very first note, I am thankful to the Almighty for everything. Then to my parents and some of my friends as well.. Behind every event there are many hands working together. I am grateful to each and everyone who supported and helped directly or indirectly. I am obliged for your unconditional respect. The continuation of all these will be honored and remembered.
Be More, Do More.
GOD Bless, Thank you again.
(Blue Horse Entertainment)
In the year 2016, ICL Blue Horse initiated it's first Virtual World Cup Cricket Tournament. ( Prize 20 One Year Color ids for winning and runner up team & Best Batsperson, Bowler, Bext Ducky, Best Admin, Best Host etc.
In 2017, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment organized it's second T-Five Knockout Tournament, followed by 180 participants. Prize 15 Colour Ids for one year.
In 2018, ICL Blue Horse presented it's third Tournament. 24 teams participated followed by 180 players. ( Prize 12 Color Ids for winning & runner up team plus Admin, Host, Ducky Prizes.)
At the end of 2018-2019, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment came up with something new, that is Ludo Mini friendly event. ( Prize 10 One Month color ids)
For the very first time, Blue Horse Entertainment brought to your door step an exciting and titillating event, that is, 'Paltalk got Talent - 2020'. This was held for 2 days. More than 130 audiences including 80 participants witnessed. ( Prize 10 One Month Color ids )
After this event in 2020, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment Organized it's Fifth Tournament. 12 Teams and 180 participants were present. 16 One Year Color Nicks given as prize.
Continued to this in 2020, during Navratri Festival, we organized "Nav Jalsa" Event for a day. Almost 80-100 were gathered.
In 2021, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment conducted an event in association with SSL, Sunshine Entertainment, PCTCL, Double Knockout. More or less 150 participants were present. 16 One Year Colour ids given as a Prize.
In 2022, ICL Blue Horse Entertainment conducted cricket tournament. More or less 150 participants were present. ( 20 One Month Color Ids)